Thursday, January 1

Just sitting here drinking a glass of juice ; because me and coffee just don't get along lol, and crocheting a new piece to display in our Etsy shop. Sitting here thinking about the year that was, 2014. The things that I've enjoyed and the things that made me want to shut my door, close my blinds and hide from the rest of the world. 

Thinking that "WOW! We have come a very long way since 2013", but also knowing that we still have a very long way to go in 2015. This is in both business and personal life. 
My baby girl and my business partner Jasmine at 4 months  Too cute!

Growing ALMB&J HANDMADE with my daughter has been rewarding. great fun, and a lot of hard work, to say the least . Since deciding to devote to this business full time back in 2013 there has been great highs . Starting a Facebook Fan page and seeing it climb to over a thousand followers , growing our customer base with vending events and a good chunk sales , Networking with other liked minded business people, making the decision to start this blog so we can branch out a lot more and just sharing a common goal with my oldest daughter to make our small business the best it can be. A true blessing. To look at all that we've accomplished That put a big old smile on my face. Then I thought, "Of course with great highs there are things that bring you back down to earth." Like losing one of our key vending spots in 2014 and not earning the revenue we thought we would from our Etsy shop. That kind of hit us both a little hard , but me and my daughter are fighters.Instead of sitting here giving into the little set backs and I do mean "little set backs" we are going to fix the things that are cracked, slightly broken and make them work perfectly for 2015.
My three beautiful babies and two of my best friends they're more like sisters to me 

Personally in 2014 I feel I needed to spend more time with family and friends I got so caught with my business that I've lost track with some of the people I care about. I need to create some kind of balance. Work to keep my business a float, that's a definite but keep the ties with the people that mean the most to me. The ones I can count on know matter if I soar or I crash burn. 

I've also discovered that I need to relax a little more .  I'm always on go. Working, taking care of the kids, taking care of my husband, school activities . Yeah that's a lot and I need to take it down just a bit at least a couple of hours with out a phone in one hand a hook and some yarn in the other hand, stirring a pot of food for dinner with this hand, and scheduling business appointments with that extra hand. lol!!!! Yes I know what you are all saying one, two, three, FOUR??? . Don't trip, I'm not going crazy but that's how I feel sometimes when I'm doing all this stuff at once. I need to drop a couple of those hands from time to time and just sit back and listen to a little music, read a bit of a good book or just take a little nap. Recharge my batteries. That way I can be better to my friends and my business. 

So for 2015 I plan to work hard of course but not to the point were I lose touch with myself and the people I care about the most in my life. I plan to Expand ALMB&J HANDMADE with my daughter. Get it out to more people grow mine and my her brand. But also take the time to just relax and know I can't fix every little thing that pops up right that minute. I plan to get this blog out to as many people as I can and make our Etsy shop work for us, but I will not let it take over my life. Just because I didn't get a sale that day or only a couple people to a look at the post blog I'm not going to stress. life is to short for that and I want to sample as much of this life as I can get before it's time to go.

So to end our little conversation I Just want to say Happy New Year. It's truly a blessing to have been touched by God to see a brand new year 2015 WOW!. One of the biggest blessings is that he brought my family and friends into this new year with me. So lets try to Start this New Year off right. With a lot of love in our heart, and with a lot of joy and laughter in our soul these are some of the things that make the world go around. Thanks for listening everyone. we'll talk again later. 

P.S. Just wanted to show you guys what I was working on when I started thinking. :-)
Red Heart Super Saver, Gray Heather and Icelandic 

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