About Andrea & Jasmine

Andrea's Story

Hi every one I'm Andrea Murray-Boone and I love to crochet! I started crocheting when I was about 9 years of age. My Mama (Ms. Helen Carter) taught me how.  She taught me the craft to calm my little hyper bottom down. To her amazement it worked Lol. I started making little things like pot holders, scarves then I moved on to bigger things like pillows and little blankets. I enjoyed it and I enjoyed spending time with her, my Mama. 

I kept making my little items up until the time I was 19, I stopped crocheting to do other things like work, school and just having a little fun. Now fast forward lets say about 20 years later. I'm a wife and a mother. I was asked to do something by my oldest daughter Jasmine. She wanted a blanket that looked different than the ones she could get in the store. So I picked up the hook again. I was a little nerves about doing it because it's been while, A LONG WHILE . I was rusty. My husband suggested that I go on YouTube and refresh my skills. Once I did that I was ready to go. I made her this really big, really great blanket so I started to make stuff for my family and my friends and they loved them. So to try to make this long story a little shorter. Some one said I should start showing and selling it and here I am crocheting up a storm and it's true what they say it like riding a bike you never forget.

I'm dedicating ALMB&JHANDMADE to my three fantasticl kids who are now 5,12,and 18 because of my kids I picked up a crochet hook again.  I'm also dedicating it to my my wonderful husband who believes I can do anything if I put my mind to it and is always there to support me. Last but certainly not least my Mama. (Ms. Helen Carter). She's not with us any more but if it wasn't for her I would of never learned the wonderful art of crochet and every time I pick up a hook and some yarn I think of her and sitting in living crocheting together.I Love You Mama. :-) Enjoy everyone!

Jasmine's Story

My story starts about 3 years ago. It was summer vacation and I wanted a little extra money for some school cloths and to buy me a laptop computer. At first I didn't know what to do, then it hit me. One day my mommy said she was going to the craft store and I just knew. "I'LL MAKE BRACELETS" I asked her to pick up some beads and something to string them together. She said "sure" . She came back with this really big case of beads and some elastic to string the and from that my small business was born.

I sold bracelet to my friends from school, to my relatives, and to my parents friends. This was great! I was able to by myself some outfits, some new video games and I had some fun money for when I go to school and when I'm out with friends and my parents. Surprisingly I haven't gotten my laptop yet Lol!!!

Coming Together

We both saw that we were doing something special. Jasmine with her bracelets and me with my crochet. So in July of 2013 ALMB&J HANDMADE was born and we been building on it ever since with vending event's, our Etsy store, our Facebook page and much more. 

So now we are taking another step in our journey our brand new blog The Handmade Boutique. You will be able to see all of our new items first, great new giveaways and check out some of the items we currently have on sale in our Etsy store.

So for everyone who comes and visits keep visiting, tell a friend and thank you in advance,

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