Tuesday, January 27

BLIZZARD !!!!!!!!!

Well I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that we are all OK . My family and I are all safe and sound in the house looking at the snow Falling down. The Blizzard that was wasn't really in my area, If you all can understand that. 

We were spared the worst of it. We got a nice amount of  snow but not as much as a lot of other places in the area. Right now we're just looking at the aftermath of what happened. Like I said earlier We were spared the worst. 


The plan for today is to spend some time with my family since the kids are out of school today and the hubby is off from work. Maybe go outside for a bit (YES JUST A BIT!) have a little look at the snow. throw some snowballs with the kids You know good winter fun LOL.  Then go inside make a nice warm meal and watch a good movie, Just have a good time as a family today . It,s Something we don't do often because of our busy schedules with work and school so this is a perfect way to get some time with the loves of my life. 

Now you all know who I am, I have to put in a bit of time working on my crochet. Even if it's just a couple of hours  I will crochet something today.  

I pulled out this skein of yarn  I think it's called  Wild Flower I't;s Red Heart Super Saver so I think that's my color for today.  This is what  I plain to do. I'm gonna carve out at least a couple hours, sit down on my bed tonight and make something really cute. Not sure what yet but  I do know it will be really cute  LOL . 

Well that's about it for now. Yeah I know it's a bit short but,  I just wanted to let everyone know that things are good here in this part of town. We are all OK.  There is one thing you all could do for me if you guys don't mind.  Could you  please do me this favor. If you are in an area that did get hit pretty bad please, check in on those that can't take care of themselves . The elderly, the sick. Just reach out and make sure that everything with them is OK . Make sure they have something to eat and that they have heat because it is really cold out there. So just reach out and lend a hand. Thanks again everyone and I'll talk to you  all later. 

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